can I share mine?

lil princess

okay so I doubt yall are gonna read all this but ima share my birth stories. I got two.

October 16 2016 I had my baby boy. I didnt even know I was in labor. but my water started leaking and I thought it was just from being preggo whatever. well after like 4 hours of that my hubby made me call the Dr. I wasnt having any pain or anything, I was even driving, but I called. Dr told me to head in to labor and delivery to get checked just in case. well they came in and they felt up there and felt my water intact so they did a swab and it showed a little fluid so they took a sample and looked at it under a microscope. my hubby went outsidr to vape cuz he needed to get out of the hospital for a bit. the monitor wasn't showing any contractions but thr nurse came in and asked me when I wanted my epidural. I then got brought up to a room and my water was broken because I was lea

king fluid but wasn't dilating or anything. after my water was broken, twice might I add, I started to dilate a bit and get some pretty strong contractions but handled it well. I stopped dilating at 3cm so they gave me pictocin in my iv. that ended up making the contractions way to painful so like a half hour later I got my epidural and was fine. I went from 3cm to 10 cm in a matter of hours and it was time to push. I dont really remember pushing much because I kept falling asleep. they actually had to wake me up to push. after 3 and a half hours I finally got my baby boy out but he wasnt breathing at all and was completely blue and the cord was arpund his neck. the Drs didn't say anything to me or even let my husband cut the cord. that set my son on me for a second, cut the cord and walked away with him. I started crying and screaming for my baby cuz I didnt hear him cry and no one would tell me what was going on with my son. well 10 minutes later they gave me my baby. they had to put him on oxygen and what not to get him to breathe. i was so close to having a csection. they told me later if it would be would'vetaken any longer they would've done a csection cuz my sons heart beat kept dropping really low. my baby boy was named Christopher John and came out 7 pounds 15 ounces 19.5 inches long with a 14.5 inch head.

now for the story of my baby girl. I was suppose to have a csection for my daughter. with how my birth of my son went and the gestational diabetes and how big they thought she was gonna be I was scheduled for a csection September 14th, w a week before my due date, but I went into labor september 10th. I knew I was in labor because I was having contractions so bad I was crying and they had been going on for 5 hours. they started the 10th at about 4pm. I went to the Dr around 9 or 10pm that night. they tried to tell me I wasnt in labor even though while I was there you could see huge contractions 5 minutes apart and I dilated 3cm while there and I had my bloody show as well. but they insisted I wasn't in labor and sent me home around 1am. well I didn't get any sleep that night because the contractions were 4 minutes apart and hurt so bad. when my Drs office opened at 8am I called them and asked to be seen and told them why. they sent me to the hospital and told me I was in labor and had been since 4pm the day before. I had to get everything together and pack a bag for my son and feed him and get him to his grandmas so I didn't get to the hospital until 2pm. when I got there the Dr came in and checked me and said I was at 6cm, I left the hospital the night before at 4cm. so she told me I was going to have my daughter that day but that she would not do my csection that I was to have a vaginal birth. so they brought me to the birthing room, which they set up when I was there the night before, and got me hooked up to everything. after a few hours of my water not breaking and me not dilating anymore they came in and broke my water and my contractions completely stopped after that. so they eventually gave me pictocin to get them going again. once they started again they were so painful I got a an iv med to help with pain but it only lasted a little while. the Dr came in a bit later and checked me again and said I was at 9cm and I begged for the interthecial. they took forever to get the guy who had to do it and he kept fucking around and couldn't get it put in. I dont really remember much from asking for the pain meds the first time because I kept blacking out. I guess when they were trying to give me the interthecial I was pushing so hard against my husband I almlst broke his nose, and I was digging so deep into his back the nurse came and pulled my hands off him because I was breaking skin open. at one point I remember the pain being to much to handle and asking for a stool to put my feet on and then I remember yelling i had to push. I kept telling i couldn't do it without the pain meds and the Dr told me she didn't care I was doing it without the meds and then I was pushing I dont really remember pushing much I just remember when I stopped I felt her shoulders rip me open and I pushed again then next thing I know my baby was on my chest and they were trying to get me to hold her but I told them to take her. I was in so much pain I was shaking and could hardly hold my legs up. the Dr then did my stiches, again without any pain relief, I was so cold they ended up piling like 10 blankets on me. maybe 45 minutes went by before I could even hold my baby I was so weak. but my baby girl was born september 11th 2017 8 pounds 10 ounces 19 inches long with a 13 inch head we named her satine Elizabeth Charlene