Oh goodness where do I start

Oh goodness where do I start. Induction started 11-4 as I got the call at 4:20am. They started me on fluids (fainted after they tried to place the first IV which failed) and started pitocin around 9am. I was contracting but not feeling anything but pressure until around noon. I was 3cm at that point and started to hurt more. So around 2 I called for the epidural and found out after the epidural I went from a 3cm to 7/8 about 15 mins after they placed it. I was still feeling the contractions but the epi took the edge off. I text my mom to come in the room at 2:30 and suddenly it hurts so bad I feel I need to push so I have her go and get the nurse. Apparently I went to fully dilated in 10 mins and 4 pushes later she was out. I felt everything!!! 
Meet my little squeaker miss Willow