HCG readings

Help! I'm so confused...The start date of my last period was 3/19 I went in to the hospital for lab work for WLS on 4/20. On my way into the hospital a kettle bell fell out of the trunk and landed on my foot. I called my husband and had him wheel me to the lab and the to the ER. In triage they asked when my last menstral cycle was and I told them. They placed an HCG order on the lab work that I just done. After I got patched up I went home and realized nobody called me with the results, so I took an at home test, 5 of them to be exact and they were all positive. I emailed my Dr. (I was Friday) and I received an email back Monday morning(today 5/4 saying the tests taken on 4/20 showed a negative HCG result. 
My timeline is so screwed up...I have no clue how far along I am or if my levels were too low to read on 4/20...does anyone have any experience with this?