Has anyone ever been with their significant other for a long amount of time (a year or more) and they didn't want to commit?


So my boyfriend and I have been together for 2 years. About 6 months ago, I was talking about moving in with him and he said no. I was upset of course but maybe he wasn't ready. Now, he just moved out of his mothers house, into a new house. He kept saying "our house" wanting to include me in everything he did or decisions (paint color and such.) well I spend the night with him once a week because my mother is crazy (I am 21 and she will not let me move out and if I try she will take everything away, or so she threatens) anyway, the day after I stayed with him I typed a message that conveyed my whole feelings towards sleeping with him and I'll put it at the bottom when this story is over. He totally ignored everything I said and then called it HIS house. I was confused so I had a serious conversation about it with him. And then he said no where in the near future would he want me to live with him. I was so heart broken. I tried to break up with him because that just seemed like the responsible thing to do. But I'm totally depressed now. I don't know if I would be happier with or without him. Please read this and tell me what you would do/think. Thanks so much in advance!