Meat = 🤢


Today I’m 15 weeks! I have a doctors appt this coming Friday but thought I would ask here first since I get great advice!

I’ve been having horrible morning sickness, dropping from 165 lbs to 128 lbs, dehydration, visits to the ER for fluids, many Zofran pills leading to horrible constipation. Nothing but fun times lol 😫

My symptoms are finally starting to slow down now a LITTLE bit, but I’m still not better.

I have NO desire to eat meat or drink milk anymore. I cannot stand the smell or just looking at it. I used to eat meat before and now worried about losing the nutrients from meat. If I do eat, it’s vegetarian and maybe 2 bites and then crossing my fingers it will stay down. Drinking lots of water to keep fluids in!

Should I be adding anything to my normal prenatal and B6 vitamin to make up for my lack of milk (which I never really drank before) or meat?

Thanks in advance!!!