Why can she just be happy for me??


I decided to tell my sister I was pregnant.. Her husband just had a vasectomy two weeks ago because they both decided they didn't want anymore children. I was going to wait to tell her, but I just knew my mom would let it slip on the phone and then she'd be even more upset that I didn't tell her myself. So I told her, and she's upset, well I think mostly sad because that part of her life is over and here I am pregnant. I just wish she would at least pretend to be happy for me, its breaking my heart knowing how sad she is.. I'm already an emotional mess with all these crazy hormones, and now I'm an even bigger mess! Am I the only one here that has a family member who isn't happy about their pregnancy? It's an awful feeling.. I don't know what to say to her and I just want her approval more than anything.. Any advice in this situation would be greatly appreciated.. thanks for listening to my rant!