Feeling like shit.

I just got 2 new jobs- Monday thru Friday, 8:30-5:30 at a daycare & at Publix 6:00-11:30 about 4 nights a week and then all day on Sunday. My mom showed no excitement over my new accomplishments, but when my sister got a new job a couple weeks later, she posted it all over Facebook and told everyone she knew. She posts about my sister and talks about her constantly. I am always compared to her no matter what it's about. My mom makes me feel like I am a complete failure and nothing I do is good enough. My youngest sister wanted me to drive her to her friends house today, but I have to be at work in a little over an hour and wanted to shower (since I may not have time to until Wednesday between all my working) and have time to do my makeup. My mom texted me going off on me saying I never do anything, even thought I have never told my sister no about it before, and how I "didn't need to shower" and she "doesn't want to hear me defend myself." I don't even know what to do anymore, I am currently bawling my eyes out in the shower as I type this. Nothing I do will ever be good enough and I just can't do this anymore.