

So I’m 17 and I have been taking birth control for over a 2 years now. Over the time I’ve been taking it my pills I have gone two months without them because of my clinic not having them for me in time. The first time I went without the pills was the like 6th month I was on them. Then when I was on my white pill week (period week) I had sex the day before my period started. I didn’t use protection at all because I wasn’t worried since I assumed my period would just take care of it. I didn’t even have him pull out. So when my period was over I didn’t have pills for the following month. I was feeling hungrier than usual, fatigued, queasy, my breasts were tender, and major back pain. I just didn’t think much of it and thought it was probably because I didn’t have the usual hormones from my pills. Then after four weeks without the birth control I started my monthly birth control pills as usual. I didn’t have a period the fourth week without pills. So when I started my pills again I started my period. But this period was a different color. A dark brown with chunks and it’s really nothing I’ve ever seen before. I took some pregnancy tests and two said negative and two said no results. I thought maybe it’s just the hormones settling back in but I’ve been having this strange “period” for about 11 days and no sign of it stopping soon. Does anyone have any idea what this could be?