Friend turned foe?

Plz don't judge me . This happens in life . I just need opinions and advice . 
I and my bff for over 14 years . We practically grew up together . We went in the same grad school and even landed up in the same office !  Things were good until 2012 . I purchased an electronic  on my bday on emi but it was on my friends ssn as I was denied . It was around 1500$. Not a big deal. Now since it was on my friends ssn and address, I never received any bills. I used to pay monthly over the net . Now I lost my job and I was Gettig married overseas . It was over whelming . I even moved . I was desperate for a new job and the next 3-4 months passed and  I totally forgot about the emi.  I finally lanced with a new job. One fine day I got a call from her saying that the collection agency called and threatened to take action if a payment wasn't made ! I was shocked and felt guilty as I had forgotten to pay. I immediately went they same evening and paid her off . The payment was made and the debt removed from her ssn. She was bitter . After that few times we spoke but one day she stopped picking up my calls or responding to texts . It's now been 2 years she stopped talking . I made all efforts but she wouldn't . Also I must mention that she had already started drifting away from me before all this happened coz I was getting married and she didn't even have a bf so I m assuming she was jealous . Can u believe she didn't even wish me on my wedding . I asked a common friend yesterday to find out why she was behaving like this n it turned or a same reason. She told her that she has a default on her ssn and she can't. Rent or buy cars etc for 5 years . I think she's lying as we had already made the full payment . Why would they still hold it on her ssn? Well my q is .. Should I pursue her or let it go? I Harv already apologized but no avail. I miss our friendship but alsoc feel bad that she is so cold and jealous of me n my hubby .