Is it just me?

My boyfriend and I have been together for just over two years now, but haven’t been intimate for over a year. It’s an extremely sensitive subject for me... We’ve talked about it many times and he says he just doesn’t have the drive anymore. I asked if it was me. He says no, that he’s still attracted to me and still finds me sexy. But yet we aren’t intimate, at all. In the beginning of the relationship we had a really good sex life, it was great actually. But after a huge panic/anxiety attack of his, since then his drive is just gone. But... then I see him liking just gross slutty women’s pictures on Instagram, following the nastiest Instagram accounts with women who clearly just need attention from men...

Am I wrong for getting upset at this? It makes me self-conscious, like he’d rather just not even make an effort with me. It upsets me so much, like tonight. I’m just angry. I’m asking for honest feedback, but please be sensitive to my feelings. This is extremely difficult for me to talk about.