He won't let me touch him.

I've been dating a guy for about 2 months. Recently he clarified that we are indeed in a relationship.

I told him that I'd like to wait for sex until I'm ready. He understands that and knows I'm willing to do other things in the meantime.

So.. here's my problem. He has no problem kissing and exploring me. He would like to explore more with his mouth(if you know what I mean) but I haven't let him.

However...I can't touch him. I have tried to get near his penis with my hand but he tells me not to. I asked if he would ever let me give him head and have yet to receive a clear answer.

I don't believe it has anything to do with him being insecure about size. He has mentioned before that if I were to touch him like that he will only want more and he's trying to be respectful of my boundaries.

I completely understand that but I'm having a hard time receiving without giving. I'm someone who shows affection and sexuality physically so not being able to do anything at all is frustrating.

Personally, I feel as if I won't ever be ready for sex because I'll be going at it blind. I'd like to lead up to it gradually and at the very least know what I'm "working with" so to speak.

Should I bring this up with him? Am I just being crazy? Is this normal?

I've never been in a relationship quite like this so I'm feeling a little lost. Any input is appreciated!