Sleeping through the night


So my little guy has never been the best nap taker or sleeper, but we've been able to work through it. His usual is dinner between 5-530, bath, comfy pajamas and lotion, play/read until tired, bottle, then bed between 630-7 or sometimes 730. He wakes up around 1030 and wants a couple ounces and then would wake up again at around 330 for another little bottle.

The past few nights have been horrible. He'll wake up, we'll get him asleep and put him back in his crib and 15 minutes later he'll be up again. I realize this is probably just a phase, but we are exhausted.

My question to you guys: how did you get your little one sleeping through the night?

My husband is ready to let him cry it out. I'm not quite there yet. Nothing against cry it out, I just think I personally would struggle with letting him cry like that. I have really bad anxiety and I think it would heighten it. I think we should definitely start with cutting out his feedings in the night and find another way to soothe him. He's not taking any meaningful amount in at that time. Maybe like 3-4 oz. I'm open to ALL suggestions. Thanks!