My son came at 35.5 weeks with a two week NICU stay


*UPDATE* I forgot to mention when he was born, he had a knot in the umbilical cord. It is very common to have still births after 37 weeks in result of a knot in the cord. We were unaware of the knot up until birth. God knows best. 💙

My pregnancy was completely normal up until week 33. I started to have high blood pressures and protein in my urine. They admitted me at the end of September and planned to take him at 36 weeks exactly. Hospital bed rest is one of the most emotionally exhausting experiences I had ever had up until my son was born. At 35.5 they did a check on my blood and my platelet count was steadily going down so they decided to take him. Csection was normal, he came out screaming and crying so I thought everything was going to be ok. Next thing I knew a nurse is telling me that he has been taken to the NICU and is needing help breathing. I wasn't able to see him for the first 8 hours after I had him. I finally was able to see him. He had CPAP helping his lungs and wires everywhere. I was so emotional. After 14 long days, he finally was able to come home. This was my last pregnancy, so I've been fighting feeling as though I was robbed of my last child birthing experience, but so grateful he's home and healthy. Here is the most recent picture of him compared to the first picture of him.