Spotting With Late Period

Sheniah • Mother of two beautiful angels and Olivia Lee💕

Hey Ladies!

So this past Saturday I was supposed to get my period, but instead ended up with some spotting. I figured I was getting my period and it would get heavier, but then Sunday was the same thing. Sunday I didn't spot as much and it looked like some older blood, you know, not the bright red but more of a brownish, it was also followed by a little bit of cramping. It's Monday, no more spotting or cramping, and no period..

Just looking for some input/advice on what could be going on. Also what should I do?? I want to take a test but ever since I miscarried I'm scared to get my hopes up..

UPDATE!! Still no flow.. Have noticed some mild cramping and my boobs have become really sore! Still waiting to take a test.