TMI PREGNANCY RASH! Rash wear underwear rubs on sides of thighs

Does anybody know what else I can do to get this to go away? I have an appointment on the 15th of this month so I’m trying to wait till then to show my ob.. I have been washing my area multiple times a day and making sure it’s dry before I put clothes on and I have been letting it air out during the day and while I sleep at night and I’ve quit wearing leggings and only wear cotton underwear that are too big so they won’t be too tight.. also I have monistat 7 but don’t wanna use it because my vagina lips haven’t started to itch at all ... it’s just the creases in my thighs.. I’m also heading to Walmart to try diaper rash cream and actually maternity undies ... I also wear panti liners and change them anytime I’m in the bathroom but like I’ve said I’ve been letting it air out while being at home these last few days .. I also decided to try trimming my hair down there today to see if it would help.. I know this is gross but I need advise this hasn’t happened till now and I’m currently 23 weeks pregnant.. Thanks in advance ladies!

UPDATE :So maybe I didn’t explain this well enough... I don’t wear a panti liner 24/7... usually only when I leave the house( which is rare) but when I do and use the restroom I change the panti liner because I’m pregnant which means extra discharge .. also as to why I was wash when I wake up and middle of the day and before bed .. I let it air out while I am home.. which is nearly all the time and I haven’t touched my Pubic hair throughout my pregnancy at all until today because I thought maybe that is why it itches so bad.. and by washing my area I meant warm water with no soap.. please read before you suggest the same things I’ve been doing.