Fast heart rate

Alexyz • A smile a day, keeps a heart at bay 💞

So I went to a plasma center to donate plasma. I like to help when I can. Well the plasma center wouldn’t let me donate because my heart rate was 109.

They told me I could try again, that it was more likely nerves. The doctor told me to sit in the lobby for 15 minutes and we’d do it again. So I said sure thing. I sit in the lobby drink a lot of water (which calms me) and they call me back about 20 minutes later and we redo it, my heart rate is 102.

So they tell me to come back tomorrow to try again. But I’m so confused. Everything was spot on except my heart rate. They said it needed to be 70-100. So I went to the car and cried

Literally 3 hours wasted on trying to do good, except for 2 beats a minute 😓 I’ve donated blood and such before and never had a problem with my heart rate but lately it has been beating so fast, and I don’t know why.

I don’t drink caffeine, I walk at least an hour every day. My blood pressure is perfect. I know a lot of you will say go see the doctor but I am broke, and I can’t afford insurance. Just looking to see if anyone has gone through this with perfect labs but just an abnormally fast heart rate? 😔😔