

So around the same time last year I had gotten pregnant by my ex. Who was really abusive in all ways. (Emotional, verbal, physocal, mental, ect). I had left him before I found out. Well, not to long after I ended up having a miscarriage. I was 2 1/2 months. My current boyfriend now is amazing. I couldn't ask for anyone better. He's a United States Marine, and is everything I've ever wanted. Well, we're TTC. I have a tilted uterus, as does my mom and grandmother. I'm patiently waiting for my missed period, but I'm scared I'm unable to carry. or I'll have another miscarriage. I have way more faith it'll be better this time. but I still hold that fear. just looking for opinions. or answers. Has anyone else experienced this? do you think I'm able to fully carry my child? I pray everyday I'm able too. just wanna know of I'm the only one?