HELP ADVICE Not myself lately and need to vent.


Long story shorten as much as I could:

I moved back home a yr ago to my parents, I've never been able to get along with my mom so I have constant drama at home to the point I'd rather be at work than home. I didn't like the position I was in but was too good for them to let me leave, but I finally got into a different department this past May and I was ecstatic. I even started dating again, so things were up and up. Well come this past august I had determined that the guy I was dating wasn't it for me and we ended things on a good note, I had a b-day and went to all my yearly doc appointments. Not even a week after I visit my obgyn I'm back bc I'm in so much pain, had a grapefruit size cyst on my ovary that ruptured. They put me on BC which I dislike 100% but it's BC or I might lose my only remaining ovary. Also my pap was abnormal so I need to have a colposcopy done. Over the course of the next few months I'm back and forth with a few other doctors. I finally go in to have the procedure and learn that my abnormal pap was so abnormal that she takes 4 biopsies. Still waiting for results on that.

Besides that my work life is so stressful even though it's better than what I used to do, but I never get to work just 40hrs bc of some crises and I'm hourly so I'm not supposed to work over 40. This has been going on for so long that I honestly forgot what day or month it is bc it's becoming a blur.

On top of that my dad travels a lot for work like is gone over 200days a yr but when he is home he does the majority of the housework bc my mom to be plain is just lazy, and a bit selfish, she also doesn't have a job and half the time she is on her phone or her computer doing I don't know what. Well my dad is once again working out of town and she is complaining that no one is cleaning or doing things to help around the house. The day she complained I get a message from my dad asked my why I can't help my mom....that day I worked 13hrs from 7am-10pm and no not by choice.

Anyway today is my off day and I had to rush my dog to the vet he threw up bloody mucous, did dishes, laundry, and made dinner, all while my mom did nothing to help clean...main problem I have with her. My sister comes home and she says to me what's wrong with you, and when I tell her I'm tired and I'm not happy plus I'm now worried about my pup. I haven't actually been on a date since sometime in august, haven't had sex in idk how long, can't exercise like I want to bc of doctors orders, and to top it all off all of my best friends now either live in FL or Savannah or are so busy with planning weddings or taking care of their children that I don't even get to see or talk to half of them anymore. I'm so beyond caring about anything or anyone else right now except my pups and I'm so frustrated but have no way to get rid of my frustration in a healthy way.

If anyone was able to get through this whole thing thanks and any advice would help, I'm pretty sure I'm at my wits end here seeing as how I so stressed I can barely eat now too, though I am forcing myself too.