

so last month I had a really weird period it only lasted 3 days (which is not normal for me) and was 4 days late (which also isn't normal for me)then it stopped for 3 days then picked up to spotting on the 3rd day for a whole day Ive been taking test and they are all negative but I have been having symptoms... I'm spotting now and it 2 days before my period is due, people are telling me I'm probably only having symptoms because because my mind is tricking me because I want to be pregnant I haven't really been able to eat because everything makes me want to puke I can't even drink coffee without feeling like I'm gonna get sick and I usually drink 2 cups of coffee a day but ive been trying to cut back because I know caffeine because ik its bad when TTC. Could I really just be psyching myself out and thinking I'm having symptoms because I want to be pregnant?