

My husband told me last night that he wants a divorce because he dosnt love me anymore. We have drifted apart after moving/renovating, it involved alot of stress, plus we have both made mistakes with making decisions and not asking each other before we made a choice. He has also been working alot, he has been working 7 12s in a row. We have 2 kids and I am currently pregnant, due in 2 weeks. We have been together 8 years, married 1.5. I am not one to just give up on my marriage we took a vow and I will fight till the end. When we first started talking about it, he didn't seem to want to try to fight for our marriage, he dosnt think counseling will help. Then I got him talking a little more and he said he has feelings for nothing and he dosnt know why, I don't know if he is depressed or what, has anyone gone through something similar?