HELP!! Am I pregnant??

Hello everyone.

I recently had unprotected sex not too long after my period had ended in September, had sex October 7th. I seriously thought nothing of it didn't think pregnancy was a possibility so I wasn't concerned. But the last couple of weeks (end of October up to now) I have been having strong pregnancy symptoms. Which I had also dismissed because I had my period October 22nd and it was quite regular for me. Definitely not a cause to wonder about pregnancy. The symptoms however started after my period ended. All these weird things started happening to my body that pointed with red blinking arrows to pregnancy lol but I kept trying to explain them away. First I started leaking milky vaginal discharge which was unusual but I just figured it was a hormonal thing and brushed it off. Then my sinuses swelled up and my throat was sore and that lasted about a week. Then I started to experience dizziness, light headedness, off balance, super fatigue then nausea. I thought maybe I was becoming diabetic because at one point when I felt that way I popped a lollipop in my mouth and had started to feel a little better. Then I've been feeling really emotional like I wanna cry over everything. I'm hungry for weird stuff. My breasts started hurting out of nowhere which I thought was maybe because I decided to go braless one day. And Monday morning I actually threw up. All sounds like pregnant for sure right? And 3 of my male friends have asked me already you think you might be pregnant? BUT I've already gotten two negative HPTs so none of this is making sense to me!! 😩 Has anyone else had post period pregnancy symptoms and it wasn't a pregnancy? HELP PLEASE!! 😣