Baby mama drama ?

Recently one of my exes started talking to me and I knew he had a baby, but it didn't bother me 🤷‍♀️ He then told me he loved me and has since we were together in high school. He said he was single and all this other bull 💩 and I'm like

He keeps on with this little game and I went along with it. So one day I just wanted to know what he was really up to and I decided to talk to his baby momma. Y'all I don't know her, I was just lurking 😂

So she's like yes we're together and I'm sure he didn't mean anything he said. So stop the communication.

I was like yasss baby I knew he was lyin! I just wanted to know. I told him and he's like nahh you haven't changed. you just need to grow up.

Excuse me? Last I checked I'm not in a relationship with my baby momma who says she's married to you and flirting with other girls. Baby you need to grow up. Obviously he's like

Point is: I caught this mf in a lie and I'm happy I didn't get involved any further with that "man"☺️

Ladies, social media is a powerful thing 😂👏