Appointment today

Samantha • I am me.
Still not dilating but doctor and I have talked about my hips continuously through out my pregnancy because my left femur slipped out of place back in 6th grade and causing me to have arthritis not only in my left hip but also in my right hip and at the beginning of my pregnancy I was having major issues with my hips and had talked to my hip doctor who told me I will need a hip replacement before I'm even 30 and I'm only 21 currently. Anywho I'm 38 weeks pregnant and my hips have been getting worse during this last trimester and now it's to the point where getting out of bed is a very hard challenge and so is getting off of a couch which makes my entire body shake in agony. Also trying to put underwear or pants on causes me to either almost collapse or just continuously shake and Tremble in pain sometimes my hip even moves out of place and then I can not walk for up to an hour or until I can get it back where it needs to be. Even when I am laying In bed if I try to turn or switch positions my whole body will strain and shake just to get my to move and my hips will throb afterwards and due to these fact my doctor has asked me if I want to try tows it till labor happens naturally or if I would like to be induced next week and she's given me this week to see how my hips hold up and to see if they get any better or worse. I try to not do a lot and try to let my hips just rest so hopefully I can tough it out till labor naturally begins but my SO can not stay home with me all the time and there are things that need to be done before baby boy gets here. Basically I was wanting to know if anyone has ever been induced before and how it all went down and how the experience was. I would like to know the positives and the negatives, if there are any positives that is. I really don't want anything rude said because I haven't made any decisions and am really just seeking advice and if I can conquer my hip pain and make it till he decides to come on his own then that's amazing cause I would prefer that but I also can't keep fighting this pain.