SOS!! I’m in too deep!

Hey ladies, so I’ve done something regrettably stupid.... (tl;dr IM CAUGHT IN A PYRAMID SCHEME)

A great friend and colleague of mine basically got me into the beginning steps of a pyramid scheme. I had been skeptical from the start, but their low key/less pushy approach was attractive to me. Essentially, I’m going through this introductory phrase where they’re trying to figure out if I’m the right kind of person for their ~business. Problem is- I totally am. The industry I work in is client/sales oriented, and I’m a great networker, making “Network Marketing” seem like my best opportunity to becoming a millionaire.

I’m set to attend a seminar tomorrow evening to listen to speakers boast about their success with this company and business strategy, and I’ve already read books and been sent audio files to hear people tell their stories. I was beginning to feel like I was getting pulled into a cult (pointed out lovingly by both my SO & my parents).

My friend is hard core convinced she will make millions, and that I can too, but once I was informed of the supplier, I realized I had been roped into another round of Scamway. I’m in so deep but I’m ready to back away now that I’m seeing this is most likely not going to work, especially if I don’t want to scare away all of my friends and family with sales pitches, and trying to pull them into it while battling the obvious stigma against MLMs. I just feel silly for letting it get this far, but I really trusted that friend(and still do! This just isn’t for me!)

I JUST NEED HELP GETTING OUT BUT I hate hurting people’s feelings, I don’t want to offend her because who knows? Maybe she’s the company’s next billionaire....