Can I just rant to ladies who understand?!

Mannie🌻 • 24.New Yorker.Mainer.Wife.Momma.Step Momma.Photographer🌲✌🏻🌻

Ok so I’m 16 weeks (about) with my first baby and my husbands second.he has a son who is six from a previous abusive (her) relationship.this woman (we will call her A) did horrible things to him including telling him she was on birth control when she wasn’t just to get pregnant when she found out he was on his way out (did this to another man after).so I️ have enough crap to deal with with her alone but here’s what gets MIL HOUNDED seriously HOUNDED us to have a baby.we waited till we were ready but it was so stressful when she would get her friends and other family members in on it at now I’m pregnant and guess what?she has spoken to me TWICE.TWICE since we found out.never congratulated me, never asked how I️ was during the first trimester of despair, nothing.but What has she been doing all this time?

1. Bitching at A’s landlord for something they didn’t do wrong and getting A a month of free rent.

2.Buying A stuff that she needed even though she refuses to work.

3. Texting and calling A everyday.

Not to mention she is so wrapped up in A’s drama she barely cares about anything else. When we are all together for my step sons events my MIL doesn’t even hardly talk to me because her and A are off shit talking someone or something that “isn’t fair” paying for your own heat in the winter😒I️ can’t.I️ can’t take it.because then my MIL turns right around and talks so much shit about A its not even funny.I️ refuse to listen or get involved but like wtf?!I️ know she loves to spend time with my step son but this is so much more...I️ have to see her this weekend and I️ don’t even want her to touch my to I️ let go?!😭