ISO: Cycle Buddy. I'm 30 TTC #1.

Jennifer • TTC #1 for past year. 33yo. Married 7 years.
Hi, I'm Jenn. I currently live in Pittsburgh PA. 30yo TTC #1. Married 4yrs w/ no luck. AF due on 5/18. Usually 30 day cycles. In the past year, I've started charting, checking CM, & using OPKs. Oh yeah, and reading every article I can get my hands on. 
I'm a worrier. Due to my age and length of relationship... We've been together 7 years. Stopped using contraceptives 6 months into marriage. Thought luck if the draw would see us as parents within first two years. So the last two, I've been going a little nuts, trying to understand my body. We are also both over weight. So I lost 10 pounds over the last 2 months. Need to loose more. 
I am not interested in fertility counseling or treatments. We plan to foster to adopt in the next few years, no matter what. And we are healthy otherwise. So I'm really just not wanting to add that to the plate...
Anyways.... Anyone?