Well everyone


Well everyone. He is here. Btw this is jay-jays father writing this. The mother and him are currently at an appt for him. But let me tell you. It was amazing. I have never seen or witnessed the strength of a women personally on this level. When it was time to push , she handled it like a champ. And out came my son. And from that second , I couldn't take my eyes off of him. They put him chest to chest with his mom and the look of relief and love that she had staring down at him , and him looking at her. I will leave this unfinished so she can add her thoughts of this beautiful day. UPDATE: I swear he is the best father and partner I coukd ask for. Our son is now 6 days old and his daddy had to go back to work the day after his birth, but things are good . we have a %100 healthy baby boy.