I️ think I might have endometriosis

Randi • I’m 28 and TTC baby #1 👶🏼🙏🏾

My journey so far: my husband and I have been trying to conceive for 8 months now, with no luck. I thought I was pretty healthy going in, but I think thats not the case now. I had two ultrasounds and the doctor found 2 very small cyst on my right ovary and noticed between ultrasounds my endo lining thickened so they think I might have a polyp. I also mentioned to the doctor that my periods are really bad. My cramps are terrible and wake me out of my sleep. I always have to take quite a bit of pain reliever to feel better too. My doctor is going to schedule me for a hsyteroscopy and a laparoscopy (to Check to endometriosis). I’m extremely nervous and having some anxiety about it. All my husband and I want more than anything is to have a child and we didn’t not think it would be this difficult. And his month I’ve notice some changes with my period. I’ve been spotting for the last 2 days after my period ended. It’s a light spotting and its only when I wipe after using the restroom.

Does anyone else have a similar story like mine? I need some kind of advice as I’m worry my self to death.