Ectopic Pregnancy and sex


Hello all,

i was diagnosed on 10/24 with an ectopic due to my IUD having moved. My ultrasound showed the embryo to be about 0.6cm in my right tube. Numbers were at 4000 hcg and was less than 5 weeks. Received my first MTX shot that same day and hoped for the best. Day 7 numbers had shot up to 11,000!! Rushed back to receive an ultrasound and no fetal pole nor visible yolk sac. Received my second MTX shot and was a mess waiting for results. Day 4 numbers went down to 7000, day 7 down to 4050 (November 10) !! So I’m relieved that they are going down, but still have questions that are unanswered.

Forgive me for thinking this at such a stressful moment but the stress is overwhelming and im human..when is it safe to have intercourse again? I’ve read it’s still dangerous because it may rupture but is oral safe or must it wait till numbers are 0!?!?

Thank you all in advance!