Stay at home mom or work??

I'm 20 and my boyfriend is 21 , were going to have a baby, and I was curious how others feel about it. I would love to be able to stay at home and take care of the baby and house , but then again I'd also like to have my own money to go splurge sometimes on me n the baby or him as well. I have car insurance too to pay for. I don't want to put it all on him, were both making 11$ an hr 40 hours a week, but I feel like I'll never get to be with the baby:( we both work 3-11. And by the time we get home n sleep we sleep in til 10 because were so tired. I could try to get a job at a daycare , I had one before I was just constantly sick because I wasn't that healthy. But at least then daycare would be free and I could still make money and try to get a part time position or something. But its also nice to be working and making as much money as we are now I'm stumped on what to do here :( I think money would be way too tight with just him working. We get weekends off too.