hair is coming out by the handfuls almost daily need hair advice PLEASE

ive not got any bald spots thankfully but ive noticed that over the last few months ive been loosing TONS of my hair almost daily. I've tried using strengthening shampoos and conditioners and all these products (not all at once)

I also have tried different sleep caps and I've quit blowdrying and straightening my hair with my flat iron. I have tried WASHING my hair daily, every 3-4 days and even only once a week.. nothing seems to be helping. I have thick hair that is slightly wavy, with sometimes an oily scalp sometimes dry. I am mostly white with a grandma who is part native American (her great grandma was Blackfoot if I remember correctly from when a family member did our genealogy). PLEASE HELP ME before I loose all my hair😣😣😣