Kershal • MC 9th oct 2014, BFP 10th Oct 2015

So i have all 3, have been drinking the grapefruit juice last few days im on CD5 (on 50mg clomid i got pos OPKs between CD16-17 But last month CD21) So not sure if 100mg will closen O or delay it more,im on 4th day of first time taking 100mg clomid, 50mg dries me out majorly so this is definately going to so want to try every means possible to help, pre seed is out of the question so please dont mention it...

Now my questions are, can i take all 3 at same time? or should i only take juice and robitussin like i was going to before i brought EPO today (Im just not sure on it as reccomwnded not to take after O as causes contractions that can interfear with implantation)....which ones should i together and is this EPO iv added a pic of even the right one... please help, No Negative Comments Just want help please...