Full circle (just want to share)

My ex and I started as friends with benefits and we both had an understanding that we're not going to date each other plus the fact that we were openly dating other please that time (ps. the people we were dating that time knew about us) so that went on for about half a year. Most of the people around us started assuming that we're exclusive because of how close we were and we act like old couples hehe...the <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">eve</a> of my birthday I was getting ready in my room and he was in the kitchen eating when suddenly my mom came out of nowhere asking who he was (mind you my parents are asian - very strict) so out of panic he blurted out that he's my boyfriend ha! when I came down to check everything my mom was yelling as to why I didn't tell them I was dating anyone lol so that is how I got an instant boyfriend (like instant noodles hehe) long story short... we ended up datimng for 5-6 years... but we've broken up now and just really good friends with...benefits hahaha! 😂