2nd round of Clomid and Ovulation

*Dimple* • TTC #1 for 4.5 years. Diagnosed with endometriosis 12/28/15. Conceived naturally October 2017
So I took my second round of clomid and I am CD 14 today and I didn't use OPK this month. Trying not to be so OCD with this TTC cycle. Usually regardless if I use OPK or not I know I am ovulating or getting close because I can feel it. First round of clomid made this ovulation pain ten times worse well weird thing is this 2nd round I have yet to feel any ovulation pain or anything. Wierd huh? I have always had normal periods and normal ovulation but I this month I haven't felt anything. Only thing different I have this month is I am sick with a cold and I also started eating healthier and working out....