
My Family are currently homeless . No money With little food but I have hope and believe.  I'm asking for Prayer for those of you who Cares . For those of you who been through this.. Having to scrap up little to nothing to make ends meet.  My partner Has Done so much.  With giving away plasma , pawning what's Worth money just to keep the roof over heads.  I know it's because of GOD he haven't Fallen apart.  Is because of GOD WE haven't gave up.  I know he knows our situation.  I believe He is working on a miracle.  Till then I should " Sit still " ? What should I be doing ? I'm praying reading the Bible.  Praying these negative thoughts of getting no where goes away.  I believe in God , I know he's watching over us.  But I feel as if I'm stuck...Stuck with communication , I talk to him but I feel as if he feels I only Need him when I'm in need . I feel like I should be doing something right now but what??  What will you do?  How will you go about?  I'm pregnant Have a 5 year old son.  I feel so stuck , I feel so unease.. I don't know where to begin