How do you wash your brushes?


😓😓😓 seriously debating a machine at this point. Just curious what everyone’s ritual is to see if we can exchange new ideas.

What method of washing do you use?

Are you a true makeup artist or an enthusiast? (Asking because there are different variables between the two when it comes to sanitation)

How many brushes do you have/use?

What is your favorite soap to wash with?

Do you have any special ways you dry them? I use a metal rack I found in the kitchen supplies section at target 🤷🏼‍♀️😂

After people I use alcohol spray but once a week, this is what I have to look forward to 😭

Bonus fun but internally painful game: let’s guess how much money this is

If I don’t reply for a few hours, I hope you’ll understand 🤣