This breastfeeding tip has saved me many times!


At about five months old my son started to think the world around him was more interesting than me and it made it so hard sometimes for me to feed him. He started being so clingy during nights as well and suddenly wanted to sleep on his stomach and breastfeeding him was a struggle. One night after I felt like I had tried everything my SO came in and said "Why don't you try to put him on your stomach and feed him, I think that might work". No way, I said, but still tried and it worked! I kind of held him like I normally do with the "cradle hold", but slided back so I was almost lying down in bed. For some reason when nothing else works he will eat if I put him like this! I believe this would work great for tummy sleepers and also if you have a fast/strong flow (which I also have) since it seems to slow it down a bit and reduce the spit ups. It also works great when you're really tired. I just wanted to share because it has really helped me a lot. I tried to attach a picture of how it looks like, but my phone will only allow me to share photos I've taken, so look up "laid back position" or "biological nurturing "! Hope this can help someone else too!