Kind of creepy and a little long


I have had the same telephone number for the past 17yrs. Way before I met and married my husband.

Yesterday I started getting calls from an "unavailable" # starting at 1030am and happening every 45 minutes. I did not answer because unless your number is programed in my phone, I dont. When I got home, I was telling my husband about it when the phone rang again, he told me to answer it so I did and put it on speaker.

It was some guy singing "When I was your man" by Bruno Mars. We figured it was a wrong number and this poor kids gf dumped him and he was trying to get her back... that is until...

He Said My Name... not my nick name, not my name shortened. . My full first name, pronouncing it correctly.

My husband went directly to pissed.. didnt even pass go and collect $200. Told the man to stop calling his wife, the man got startled and hung up.

Honestly, I have NO IDEA who this could have been.. like I said.. 17yrs is a long time to have the same #... it could have been anyone ..

Today the phone rang again, I said hello twice and then a man says, "I will always love you more than him"

Im not looking for similar stories but I am just seriously kind of creeped out. I havent told my husband about the call from today yet.. but Im going to.