41 weeks pregnant

41 weeks pregnant and I'm losing it. My four year old was running around the house screaming and crying because I told him to clean his room. I was looking for my husband to help bc I was having contractions.Turns out husband left the house to call his mom because she always asks that he step out of the house when she calls. I finally snapped and called him a mamas boy. He flipped and started punching walls and slamming drawers. He says he works hard to support our family and deserves respect and I should be grateful that I can be a sahm. My mil calls him to talk about her marital problems. I told him that's not his business and he tells me she has no friends. My mil has a weird personality and shes socially awkward. She hates everyone but my husband. She stays home all day and shes a bit mentally unstable. She thinks my husband is her best friend. My mil always wanted a daughter but could only conceive one child (my husband) and I'm already stressing on how overwhelming she'll be when the baby is here. Thank God she lives overseas. She calls EVERYDAY to ask my husband if theres any progress and it pisses me off. I feel like I'm overreacting but I just REALLY want her to back off. She drove me NUTS when I had my son. She complained that she only saw the baby two times a week and told my husband to make me find work and leave the baby with her. My husband never told me because he knows she can't even take care of loony self. Shes very unkempt and her house is always a mess. She showers once every 2-3 weeks. My husband and fil are always begging her to shower. She gave my son a lollipop when he was 6 months old. She said she just wanted him to play with it but I saw her let him take a lick. Now I know she's going to be even crazier because we're having a girl. She actually told me to congratulate her on having a granddaughter when I told her baby #2 was a girl. She renicknamed the nickname I gave our unborn child..and calls the baby 'her baby' already. She said she hopes our daughter looks like her.. SHE SUPER UGLY... but shes always asking my husband to tell her how pretty she is. Not to mention she HATES my mom because my mom and I have a close relationship and she's jealous that my mom gets to see the baby everyday since my mom comes by to help me out. Sorry just venting