is it weird?

Felecia • 23, mom to an adorable 1yr old

so my husbands ex has invited us over Christmas <a href="">eve</a> so we can finally see his son. she has done many things such as telling him he's a dead beat dad, harassing us, getting arrested because of said harassment, and of course in the past three years we have been together; tried numerous times to break us up. his son is turning 3 in a lawyer so we can get some sort of custody agreement in place. anyways so she invited us to wherever it she is currently staying. we have plans. we are taking our son to see the lights. this is his first Christmas. she said it'd be nice if we all went which since this will be the first time in a year that we have seen his son I'm okay with...not thrilled but okay...tolerating I guess is the word. anyways she has mentioned what things Ethan needs and would be good Christmas presents for him. she also said she was giving Bryson Ethan's old clothes as well as maybe buying some diapers or something else. I guess my question is, is it wrong for me to feel like she only contacted us because she needs stuff and is it weird that she's going to give my son her sons old clothes? don't get me wrong I love Ethan. the times I've spent with him have been amazing and he is a good boy when he's with us. we never have problems unlike her. she always says he acts up. but regardless I feel like the only time she 'tries" to make things work and tries to be civil is when she wants something. she even made a comment to my husband that sounded like she was trying to guilt trip him into it. the comment was "yeah since you had me arrested I can't work at Walmart distribution they won't hire me." Walmart is probably the highest oayin job around where we live especially for someone who has no experience doing anything other than fast food. I would love to see Ethan I would love for my husband to have a relationship with his son as well as our children having a relationship im just a little freaked out by how all of this is coming into play. like I said regardless we will be getting Ethan clothes but we both agreed to get them from the thrift store till we know for sure he's actually going to be in our life and not only when his mother wants something. we are going to the lights together or rather meeting there. her bf is suppose to be there so I guess we will see how this goes. I just don't know how to feel or if I'm overreacting or what. advice, reassurance, constructive criticism is all okay. thank you in advance.