starting to feel a little down 😭

Katherine • HEY!!! Well! I'm 22, married to the worlds best husband, have almost a perfect picture life, and couldn't ask for anything more then what God's given me 💖

My husband and I have been trying since my daughter was born a little over 2 years ago to get pregnant (she's not biologically his but he treats just as if she was) and we still havent been able to get pregnant. My ex and I were together for not even 6 months and i was pregnant...

im starting to get discouraged, please tell me their are other 21yr old moms/wives who r trying to get pregnant with their husbands and having struggles.. I keep seeing the treatment places on here but i live in Key Largo, FL and their all in New York and when i was living in New York they were in Florida... Help :'( this is a pic of all my babys. the older man is my husband the 2 kids r my kids the boy is my stup son (my husbands) and the little girl is my princess