Tips for VBAC

I’m currently 17 weeks and am hoping for a vbac when the time comes. Just wondering on what I️ can do to prepare my body to be able to have a successful vbac. Is it too early to be bouncing on a ball or would that be a good start? Scared, nervous but yet excited to be attempting to go the vbac route. Any help will be appreciated!

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The most important thing I would say is to make sure that your doctor is truly VBAC friendly, and will let you go past your due date (up to 42 weeks) before any talk of induction/cesarean. This takes the pressure away. I ended up switching obgyns when I was 36 weeks due to that my former doctor was not really VBAC friendly after all and wanted to schedule a repeat cesarean at 39 weeks. After switching doctors, I spontaneously went into labor at the day after my due date and had my VBAC baby at 40weeks and 2days.


M • Nov 27, 2017
I had to change doctors at 37 weeks! Any doctor can say they are vbac friendly. try and get a doctor recommendation from someone who has had a vbac in your area. I did this through Facebook. 👍


Natalie • Nov 16, 2017


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Following! I’m hoping to try a vbac also. My doctor is totally on board & wants me to try so it gives me more hope.


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The best thing you can do is research. know what doctors are vbac friendly. know what not to do e.g. epidural. try to reach out to any birth groups in your area who have experienced a vbac they are the people you need to speak with. good luck :)


M • Nov 27, 2017
also I didn't start bouncing on a ball till 39 weeks. 👍


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Just remember that ACOG supports VBACs all the way up to 42 weeks, and ACOG also supports induction of VBAC. OBs will try to scare you. Csections are ALWAYS more dangerous than VBACs and that's been proven. Arm yourself with facts and shop around for a good midwife. Avoid OBs if possible (there is always an OB at the hospital if you needed an emergency csection)Use a yoga ball, walk a lot, and try to relax and enjoy your pregnancy.


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Kegels 3 sets of 10a day