should i not include my family?!?


I'm not sure what to do at this point, my entire life I've had a very hard time having a relationship with any of my family members I've always had been treated differently I've been told many things that put me down by my mom my sisters and my dad at this time I don't have a good relationship with either one of them but I keep trying to be a part of the family and to have a relationship with my family I always get told by my husband and my best friend why do I continue to go around them or try to involve them if they don't really care for me and it's only because I love my family even though they may not love me but I don't know what I should do anymore I've had two miscarriages and I'm currently pregnant now this pregnancy baby almost miscarried 3 times but baby is sticking this may be my rainbow baby I'm currently 11 weeks pregnant now I usually never go past 4 weeks so I'm excited and I waited to be this far along in my pregnancy to announce it to my family because I wanted to make sure that this baby stuck when I announced it to my family nobody was excited my sisters said okay and...and my dad said well good luck so now I don't even know if I should involve them in my life my baby's life or even involve them in any baby shower I'm emotional frustrated I'm confused I just don't know what I did to make them not be happy for me I moved to Houston Texas and everybody just said you're going to come crying back when your husband leaves you for another woman my husband is a good man he takes care of me and provides for me and right now during this pregnancy I've never had to lift a finger to help cook or clean or wash clothes sorry for the long post but I just need some advice please help