Unhelpful Partner?? (Vent)

***update*** I have talked to him about it quite a few times. Unfortunately he doesn’t even give a response most times or simply says he’s to tired to do anything. He works normally around 40 hour weeks. And if for instance I don’t cook dinner, he won’t either, he’d rather not eat. Or if I don’t do dishes or don’t run the dishwasher, they’ll stay like that for over a week. I’ve tried not doing the things around the house but when you can smell the stench of last weeks dinner dishes before you even open the front door, I feel I have no choice. I have been resorting to paper plates lately to try and cut down on what I have to do.

I had my first child as a teen, so my pregnancy was far from “fun”. I wasn’t involved with the father, so I never had any help and was left to do it all on my own.

Fast forward nearly 10 years and my husband wants to try for a baby (my 2nd, his bio first). We find out we’re pregnant a year later. He doesn’t help with anything! I had morning sickness for 12 weeks straight. Didn’t offer to get anything to help. Body aches so bad because my hip is broken and baby is pushing on it that I’m in tears and he asks for a back rub! I work 60 hours a week, pick our kiddo up, help with homework, go cook dinner, clean the house, do dishes and laundry, make my kiddos lunch for the next day, listen to him read, play a bit, get him ready for bed, still no help, he just sits on the couch. I decorated the babies room, installed the carpet myself, redid the light fixtures myself, put the crib, rocker, bassinet, and swing together by myself. I’ve paid for everything by myself (medical bills, good faith payment at first appointment, all baby items we have). He went to a few appointments and just sat there. Now he takes those days off from work and does his own thing. He had a day off this week randomly and I asked him to put a fan up and throw away Halloween pumpkins, something that would’ve taken him an hour. I came home and had to do it all myself. Then today, I worked 13 hours and my feet were 3x their normal size. I literally had tears with every step they hurt so bad. He didn’t event try to help. My son saw how much pain I was in and how bad I was struggling and jumped in to help with dinner right away but his dad couldn’t? They want to put me on bed rest because of my swelling and hip but I know I can’t because there will be nobody to do house chores or take care of my son. I know my hormones are crazy but I didn’t expect to feel so alone in this pregnancy and basically feel like a single parent. It also doesn’t help my employee is pregnant and is constantly bragging about how her partner caters to her 24/7. Has anyone’s partners been like mine? I’m terrified it’ll just get worse when the baby arrives.