
I have been doing clearblue digital ovulation tests, I am on cycle day 19 and have a normal cycle length of 29 days but glow has changed the date of expected AF based on my Ovulation test. I got a flashing smiley face on the 13th, 14th & 15th but I have now ran out of ovulation sticks 😫 will I deff ovulate or could it go away??? And based on the <a href="">glow app</a> I should have ovulated on the 14th. I have been using cheap OPK and all have had no second line what so ever but got a slight line yesterday which I no is negative but now to day there is no slight line at all??? is it possible I tested to early and could have ovulated later on in the day on the 15th??? Also have some EWCM would this mean I am ovulating today or no because the OPK was negative?? And based on the sex we have had would that be enough for us to fall pregnant or should we try more or is it to late?