What should I do I might give birth!!?!?!!

Jenna • My baby boy is here and growing to fast

Hey everyone so hears the situation.... I have been getting bad contractions since last night but they have slowed down and don’t hurt to bad. they were about a min to two min apart but that’s happened once before but I feel different then normal ,from when it happened the first time... like it feels like the baby isn’t there but he’s there like my stomach is super tight and I’m not bleeding or anything but my mucus plug did break yesterday I’m so confused on what I should do should I wait or should I go to hospital today because my child also hasn’t been moving a lot and this is my first pregnancy and I’m 38 weeks and 6 days tell me what I should do😖😢😫😫😫

Update *** baby is moving and seems fine but contractions are iffy there very irregular anyone know how much u need to be dilated to go into hospital? I was told I’m 1cm dilated ....