Too early for my rainbow?


So I'm currently at the end of my first miscarriage TTC #2. My Dr. told me it's most likely to happen for me if I wait 1 cycle after my MC is over to TTC again....but I'm just so impatient. All I want is my rainbow baby. I just want to get past this and feel that happiness again. I want to have another chance with hope that my baby will be totally healthy and make it.

I was only 5+2 when I started bleeding and it's been a week and a half. So it hasn't been as severe on my body as it would have been later down the road, and I'm hoping that at least means maybe my body will be ready sooner.

Anyone willing to share their experience TTC after a miscarriage? How long did you wait to try again? How soon were you able to conceive again? If you conceived right away did it stick/did you get your healthy rainbow baby? Or was it too early?

I know no one can tell me what will happen or how my body will react...but going through this is so hard and it will just ease my mind and heart to hear from someone who has gone through this.

Thanks 💗💕