Packing a hospital bag - my advice!

Katherine • "Females are strong as hell."

So I read a lot of "what to pack in your hospital bag" articles, and I had this long list and a full suitcase... and I didn't use 80% of it! The hospital provided a lot more than I thought. So here's my advice on what to pack:

- A robe (or two)

- Comfy socks

- Moccasins or slippers (any shoes that slide on easily)

- Nursing bras

- Phone charger

- Toothbrush/toothpaste/face wash

- A going-home outfit for Mom

- A going-home outfit for Baby

- Baby socks and mittens

... And that's really it! My hospital provided mesh underwear (AMAZING and necessary for the first week or so after birth) and maternity pads - I just wore their underwear with my nursing bras and a comfy robe. They give you plenty of diapers and wipes. And that brings me to my biggest piece of advice -

Leave lots of empty room in your suitcase, and use it to pack all of that free stuff that the hospital provides!! You'll need the mesh underwear and maternity pads when you go home, and they're hard to find in stores. They'll give you lots of samples of diapers, wipes, nipple cream, nipple pads, a really nice nose suction, and other stuff. So ask the nurses for plenty of refills, and then pack it up. You're already paying a large hospital bill which covers supplies, so take it all!!