missed period. I️m young. I️ need help.

I️m 16, I️ had unprotected sex, he didn’t cum in me but you never know so I️ went to planned parenthood the next day to take Ella, (morning after pill) some say the pill doesn’t work if it’s taken during your ovulation window, which I️ was. Just to be safe I️ still took I️t. I️t was 2 and a half weeks ago now that I️ had sex and my period was suppose to come on Wednesday, I️m 2 days late. I️m very scared because of how strict my parents are. I️m taking a test after school, but I️ heard test don’t work unless you’re 4 weeks pregnant. I️ have sore boobs and I️m bloated like my period but that could be early pregnancy signs? I️ don’t know. I️ just know my parents are really strict. Is 2 days late a big deal? Is 2 weeks too early to test or even too early to have pregnancy signs? Is there anything I️ can do to make my period come. Please help me. I️ need someone to talk to