I️ learned a valuable lesson last night...


So one of my very young coworkers was pregnant, and when I️ found out I️ was pretty jealous. My husband and I️ have been trying for over a year, and we know that we’ll have a harder time. Here she was complaining about not being able to do the spartan race she had signed up for, and going on about gaining weight. Talking about her life being over, and blah, blah, blah. I️ just told myself to tune her out. Fast forward a month, and for some reason she decided to come to me and tell me that she had just suffered a miscarriage. No one else knows yet, and she’s not ready to tell anyone. She just starts confiding in me about everything! How she was told at an early age she couldn’t have children because she suffers from anorexia, and how hard it was for her to accept the weight she was gaining. She thinks it’s her fault she lost the baby because she didn’t think she was eating enough. She was really excited to become a mom because she’s always wanted a ton of children. She was just having a hard time letting herself be happy about it, because she didn’t think it was real. She told me she’s going to tell herself positive affirmations every day, and she wants to try for a baby again as soon as she can. It just really opened my eyes and made me feel awful for my jealousy towards her. We don’t know every woman’s struggle. I️ know from now on I’m going to stop looking at pregnant women with jealousy in my heart. I️ will not judge them, we just don’t know every woman’s struggle.